Thursday, May 6, 2010

Oh boy!

Well, let's just say it's been a busy couple of days.  Now that Delaney is fully on the move (when she allows me to put her down - more on that in the next paragraph) I have come to realize that my baby proofing skills need some sharpening.  I thought I did a really good job covering up all of those outlets, wrapping the lamp cords around the table legs, keeping things out of reach, etc.  Of course not!  What does she go right for?  All of the dangerous things, naturally.  The full length mirror that I have propped against the wall - will have to screw that in later, the plugs that have some slack, which in turn, leads to those items being pulled down, the computer chair that eventually rolls over her tiny little get the idea.  I can't wait for Dan to be done with his finals (next Wednesday) because I was given very strict orders NOT to screw the safety latches into our beautiful kitchen cabinets.  He knows me too well.  I do like to prove that I can do anything a man can do and sometimes even better!!!!!!  Better get crackin on ordering the other baby proofing essentials and gates.  I think I may need to take out a loan.  Have you seen the prices of these things lately?  However, I would rather have a foam guard around our brick fireplace than stitches in my princess' head.  I do think I will forego the toilet latches that Dan thinks we need. :-)

OK, as promised - for the past 6 weeks, Delaney has been great about being put down and actually has enjoyed her floor time discovering new things and learning to crawl.  As you know, the first 5 months of her precious little life, she refused to be put down.  I mean, I could put her down if I felt like listening to her howl.  And, boy can that girl go.  She won't stop until I pick her up again.  I thought maybe, just maybe, she would be able to cry herself to sleep.  Ha ha ha!!!  Well, since she had her viral infection, she is now back to being my velcro baby.  You would think this newfound method of getting around would be super exciting to her and she could just follow me around the house, but NOOOOOO!

For instance, today I decided to work in the garden while she was taking her morning nap.  Don't call Children & Youth on me, people.  All of the doors were locked, Brady (our dog) was in the house, and of course I had the monitor with me.    I came in to shower, and she must have smelled me because as soon as I got in the shower, she woke up screaming.  This is not the norm for her.  So, I quickly showered then ran in her room soaking wet to find out what it was.  Nothing!  Pure nothing!  She saw me and smiled.  Ok, so come in the bedroom with me, little girl so I can get dressed.  I put her down with her favorite ball that talks and sings to her, her ladybug, and her activity mat.  The howling began as if she is being bit by a pack of red ants.  Hmmmm.... what is a Mommy to do?  Everyone loves to give advice, so know in advance, I'm not looking for any.  I never listen to it anyway.  I do what my gut tells me to do and my gut always tells me to pick up my precious punkin to put out the fire!  Hey, it works and one day she won't want me to hold her.  And then it will be my turn to howl.

Just to make a liar out of myself, I am including a picture of her in her jumparoo where she is completely and utterly happy.  What you don't know is that it lasted for about 90 seconds. :)

The other pic is of her eating her first Lorna Doone shortbread cookie.  Boy, did she love that!

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