Friday, April 30, 2010

Happy 7 month birthday, baby girl!

I have been trying to figure out why the 7 month old mark has me so upset?!  I have come to the conclusion that a) it means she is MORE than half-way to her first birthday and b) a baby older than 6 months is that much less of a baby and that much more of a little gal doing little gal things.  It breaks my heart when I think of it but then me being the glass half full type of person, I must remind myself that there are only more exciting and notable memories and milestones to come.

Delaney has changed so much in the past month.  She now is army crawling all over the place.  She hasn't quite grasped the concept of moving her legs followed by her arms while up on all fours, but girlfriend definitely gets from point A to point B.  Very determined little munchkin she is!

The babbling is almost constant and she now "sings".  When she gets really tired in the car, she can also be found humming herself to sleep.  The entire way home from the doctor's office yesterday all she kept saying was "Mama, Mama, Mama, Mama".  Melted me!!!!

As for the fever, we are doing much better today.  Hopefully just a day of chilling out and some extra extra extra cuddles will be just what the doc ordered.  Can I just tell you how terrifying it was to realize her fever was at a whopping 103.4 at one point yesterday!?!  Temped bath brought it right down to 101.6.  Woo Hoo!!!!!

Thanks for reading! :)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Fired Up!!!!!

No, not me.  My baby has her very first viral infection.  She is running a temperature and spitting up.  Poor little munchkin.  As a Mommy, I feel as though my heart is literally being ripped out.  Yeah, yeah, yeah I know - add a little more drama why don't you, Ang?  But, seriously!!!  I feel so helpless.  There is only so much you can do when your baby is sick.

Needless to say it was a very sleepless night for both of us but it's amazing the natural adrenaline your body gives off when your child needs you.  I would have been willing to hug her and rock her all night long if that's what she wanted.  She was more ticked off that her sleep had been disrupted by the evil temperature monster.  Girlfriend loves her night time sleep!

I took her to the doctor's office this morning.  They have a walk-in clinic available every day from 8-8:45 which is just fantastic for days like this.  The doc told me basically she will get worse before she gets better and it can take up to 5 days for it to run its course.

She has been handling it like the champ that she is.  When she didn't want to have anything to do with her solids this morning, I knew she wasn't feeling well.  My baby LOVES to eat!

She is napping now, thank goodness so I am off to disinfect all of the toys she has been playing with and wash all of the blankets.  A reason for me to clean?  Twist my arm, why don't you?

Until next time....

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Strong Willed! (and then some)

To say Delaney is strong-willed is just an understatement.  She has been since day one.  I mean, I can't really say I am all that surprised.  Have you met her parents?  So, what excactly do I mean when I say this about her?

Well, let's start from the beginning.  In about my 7th month of pregnancy, I was having regular Braxton-Hicks contractions.  I got checked at my 38 week appointment and NOTHING!  Good thing I was having a scheduled C-Section the following week or baby girl may have made it her permanent home.

Then, when we brought her home, she wanted to have NOTHING and I mean NOTHING to do with nursing.  She wanted that bottle and that's all there was to it.  So, I switched her over to formula which just about sent me to the looney bin.  It was my only expectation  of motherhood was that I would able to nurse her.  Oh well.  You roll with the punches, right?

Come to find out as the days and nights start rolling into one in my sleep deprived state, I realize that she despises being put down.  Wants to be held ALL the time.  So, she falls asleep for a nap and I attempt to transfer her to the pack-n-play and she awakes immediately.  If I want my baby to nap, I came to the conclusion I needed to plant myself in the glider literally all day long.  Good think I am a stay at home Mom.  I caught up on all of the Interventions and So You Think You Can Dance episodes I've missed!

As she continues to grow and thrive her strong-willedness only transforms in other areas of her life.  Now, at the ripe old age of 6.5 months, if she wants something she uses this high pitched screech until she gets it, ie; my 5 year old nephew Danny paying attention to her.  If he stops for a split second, she starts screeching until he resumes entertaining her and then she is as happy as a clam.  Or, yesterday on the way home from Venice (which is a solid 20 - 25 minute drive), she wanted Mommy to be holding her so she thought screaming the entire way would get her that.  Too bad Mommy was driving.   As soon as we pulled into the garage and I opened her car door, big smile across her face and happy the rest of the evening.  Hmm!?!

Oh boy!  I could go on and on and on, but at that point no one would actually be reading anymore.  Point blank - Delaney Grace has a very strong personality and it isn't going anywhere.  And guess what?  I love every stinkin second of it.  Don't call her my little Punky for nothing.  And she is the absolute cutest thing I have ever layed my eyes on!!!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Let's try this....again!

Well, hello world and welcome to my attempt at blogging.  The title is  called such because I have tried this numerous times in the past, all with epic fail!  I had a baby that I lovingly referred to as my "static cling" as she would NOT be put down.  And, really, who could blame her?  Wouldn't you want to be held and cuddled while receiving  head rubs all day if someone was willing and able?  Well, now I have quite the little independent 6 1/2 month old on my hands.  What a difference from only a few weeks ago!  Therefore, a tiny bit more time to attempt blogging.

In this blog, I will tell all about my gal's new doings and the wonders of switching gears from being a Nanny for all of my adult life to being Mommy!  What a huge difference and one that is the single most rewarding role I could have ever been given.