Sunday, May 30, 2010

8 months old!

WOWZER!!!!!  The past eight months have absolutely flown by.  I honestly can't believe Delaney is eight months old today.  As of recently, she is into "sharing".  She will give me a toy, give Brady his bone, share her food...and can I just say how much it melts my heart?  She is just so stinkin sweet and cute and totally lovable.  Yes, even when she's "crabby" - as some people call her (hmmm, hmmm, The Godfather).  I like to say that she isn't crabby, she is just Delaney.  She knows what she wants and if she doesn't get what she is looking for, she simply tells you... in her own, high pitched way!

Every day she is reminding more and more of Dan.  How?  Well, first off - she thinks that she is the funniest thing to have EVER graced the Earth.  Second, she MUST be the center of attention, and if you aren't paying attention to her, she will somehow, someway, get your attention by all means necessary.  Third, she studies people HARD!  She won't just let anyone into her little circle of life.  It takes her a long time to feel comfortable around people.  She most definitely has her favorites.

We had her very first photo shoot a couple of weeks ago.  I wanted to do it when she was first born but between the sleep deprivation and constant crying (sometimes from her, sometimes from me) we postponed it.  I have attached a couple of my favorites.

She is so incredibly strong (and strong willed) and is wanting to pull herself up on everything she possibly can.  She has succeeded once that I know of.  Now, she can get up to her knees and then scares herself.  I am not rushing this one!  You take your time, little lady.  I love the age she is now and she is just full of giggles and fun!  Happy 8 month birthday my beautiful angel.  Mommy loves you more than you will EVER know!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010

Eating dog bones and what not!

So, my dear Delaney is learning new things on a daily basis - like eating Brady's bones for fun.  She sees him chomping on them so I guess she figured why not?  He shares them so nicely with her and the other day she just put it in her mouth and kept rubbing it on her teeth.  I guess it makes a good teether for a baby, too.  Needless to say everything goes in the mouth!  I even bought myself some "Mommy Bling" which is a necklace specially made for little ones to yank on and put in their mouth.

She LOVES playing with her voice lately.  It seems to be her new favorite toy and it just cracks us up.  The loud shrieks can be heard throughout the house, store, or wherever we happen to be at the time.  And, it's all very happy noises!  The plane ride to NJ in a few weeks should be pretty interesting!

Since Dan has been out of school, him and Delaney have been having some great quality time together and they are just loving it.  He refers to her as "Little Roo".  They just love singing together.  Dan has informed me that he doesn't know how I do it day in and day out.  He has told me that it is indeed a very difficult job.  I asked him if he ever wondered why I didn't get certain errands done or things around the house and he begrudgingly admitted "YES", but then quickly backed it up with "Now I get it".  Yes, taking care of a baby is an extremely hands on job and now that she is so mobile, you can't turn your back for a second.  She enjoys playing with everything she isn't supposed to, especially the plugs!  But, watching her soak up the world around her is a priceless experience.  Apparently she pulled herself up for the first time today.  I think I was about to vomit when Dan told me.  I'm not ready for this!!!!  I realize that I need to embrace this and allow her to grow up, but come on!  Why so quickly?

Delaney and Brady are the best of friends.  See the picture.  He comes over to her all the time and just licks her feet (his favorite past time) and calmly walks away if she happens to tug on his fur too hard.  He has never even remotely showed any interest in being mean to her in any way.  This was honestly one of our biggest fears after bringing Delaney into our world.  We weren't sure exactly how he would react and his reaction couldn't be better.  I actually feel as though he is calmer since she is around!

On another note ~ we just made arrangements for my beautiful 7 year old niece, Bianca to once again spend the bulk of the summer with us.  I can't even begin to explain to you how excited I am!  I know her and Delaney will enjoy the time together and I get to hang with my niece who I miss more than words can adequately describe.  Tons of fun memories to be made!

Until next time my friends....(thanks for reading)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Time...please stand still!

I've come to realize so many things about my little gal.  Especially in the past few days, it seems like she is doing something new every minute.  So, I've compiled a little list about you and your little spit-fire personality that I just adore.

* you don't like to sit still.  You always want to go, go, go - in some form or another.  I highly doubt that you will wait until the one year mark to start walking.  If you had the courage right now, you would definitely be letting go of my hands.   However, take your time little grasshopper.  Mama wants to stop time the way it is.  I am in no rush!!!!!

* you would so much rather be outside than inside.  So, your Daddy just hung a swing from our oak tree in the front for you and I carry your jumparoo out to the lanai so you can jump up and down in it outside.  I've even attached pretty colored ribbons to the fan on the lanai that you seem to be obsessed with.  I would much rather be outside as well, so it works for me!

* you don't like being away from me.  When you aren't with me, you aren't sad or angry, you are just indifferent.  Don't worry, honey - when I'm not with you, I feel as though a piece of me is missing.

* you LOVE music and to be sung to.  When Daddy plays the guitar for you, you melt and will even "sing" along with him.

* you are throttling full steam ahead with communicating.  You are now able to do the signs for 'more', 'milk', and 'please'.  Who knows what today will bring - maybe 'thank you'.

* nobody can put a smile on your face like your cousin Danny.  I am beginning to think he might be right in saying that "Delaney loves Danny more than anyone in the whole world."

* when you smile (which is ALL the time), you smile with your whole body.  You seriously light up a room.  And, your laugh is extremely contagious.

* you now give High-5's which just rocks your Daddy's world.

* you love to play Pat-A-Cake and watch and listen to me sing any song that involves using my hands - the itsy bitsy spider, the abc song (in sign language), and twinkle twinkle little star.

* you are growing entirely too quickly for my liking.  I calculated the other day that I will take your bottle away at 12 months, which means I only have 4.5 more months to hold you while you drink your bottle!  :*(  Plus, your Daddy lowered your crib last night and that was a HUGE big girl move.  Talk about my heart being in my throat when I saw that!!!!!

* This one goes hand in hand with the above statement...I understand it is my job as your Mother to enhance your learning and stimulate your brain so that is what I do.  Now that you are crawling, I know that I am supposed to be engaging your large motor development by helping you strengthen your legs.  It's just that every time you "stand up" (with my help) it tugs at my heart strings a little bit.  I also know I can't keep you a baby forever, but rest assured little one, you will forever and ever be MY baby!

So, my sweet little princess, in closing I would like to say that at 7.5 months of age, you are doing so much and watching you do these new things every day makes me one very proud Mama.  When every single parent I have ever met told me that time goes by way too quickly, they were not joking!  In the blink of an eye you have become this interactive, babbling little puddle of sweetness that I can't help but kiss and love on over and over and over again!  My heart grows a little more each day.  I love you as high as the sky and as deep as the ocean Punky!!!!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

BeachMama: A year ago today.....

BeachMama: A year ago today.....

A year ago today.....

.... we found out we were being blessed with a little GIRL!  My heart skipped a beat when the ultrasound technician showed your stuff to me.  Do you know what Daddy's response was? "Well, now I can go get that gun!"  Mommy still says NO GUNS!!!!!

Since I found out I was going to be the Mother to a Daughter my life has changed ten fold.  Since I have always been much more of a tom-boy rather than a girlie-girl, so many thoughts were running through my head!

*What if she wants to play with Barbies?  How do I tell her that they are degrading to women and is what is wrong with the main stream society that we live in?  No, honey - you don't need to be a toothpick with big boobs, and the latest fashion trends.  Dolls I'm good with - Barbies not so much.  This is a fear I will hold onto until I know she is out of the Barbie playing age.

*What if all she wants to wear are frilly little dresses and big bows in her hair and her entire closet is filled with the color I like the least - PINK???   I was hoping for a cargo pocket wearing, tank top, sneaker kind of chick.  Well, this thought has changed.  The more I look around at the girly clothes, the more I love them.  Yes, you heard it here first.  Punky has some great pink and very girly clothes that I just absolutely love dressing her in.

*What if she cries every time she gets hurt like girls normally do?  UGH!  I want to raise a tough cookie who isn't super fragile and can wrestle with the best of them.  Well, so far I have gotten my wish on this one.  She fledges full force this girl!  There is no stopping her, unless she is tired and happens to catch her knee on a block or something.  Then, the wailing starts.  But nothing Mommy cuddles can't fix.

So many what if's.  And guess what?  It doesn't matter one little bit, because Delaney Grace is here in all her glory and she is absolutely perfect in every single way.  I am extremely proud, lucky, be her Mommy and I wouldn't change it for a million dollars.  She is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I love her more than I can ever adequately express with words.

Some pictures of when she was brand new.  She has gotten so big!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Today is my first Mother's Day and what a great day it has been!  Dan let me sleep in this morning and then when it was time for him to start heading up to St. Pete to study for his last 2 finals of the year, he brought Delaney in to wake me up.  She laid on my belly and just gave me that big Delaney smile.  What more could I ask for?

I had a beach day planned for about 3 weeks now with Delaney, my sister Lori and Danny, and my Mom. Delaney always loves loves loves the beach so I figured this is a great way to celebrate this wonderful day. Well, Punky had different ideas.  Pretty much as soon as we got there, she was just inconsolable.  When she gets to a certain point, there is no calming her down.  You must vacate the premises NOW!!!!!  Well, me being the go-getter that I am, I decided to try and show her the water -  waaaaah  waaaaah  waaaaaah!  Ok, how about we go for a walk in the stroller?  waaaaah waaaaah waaaaah! Ok, I will hold you (this always works) - but not today.  She wanted to be in the air conditioning and NOT at the beach.  For all of my Northerners reading this, it is the time of year down here when it is unbearably hot at times.  The humidity is up there and if you aren't in the AC or in some body of water, you are sweating bullets.  Today was one of those days - 70% humidity and Punky wasn't having it.

So, home we go.  She slept the whole way home and was a happy little camper once we got inside the house.  This is all just part of parenting and you need to roll with it.  A little disheartening to me because I just wanted to do something really special for my first Mother's Day that included my wonderful Mother and Sister.  Plus, I am a clipboard girl.  I like things to be on my clipboard and for them to stay there.  Guess I will have to start using pencil on that clipboard now that I am a Mommy.

When I was giving her her afternoon bottle before I laid her down for her nap, she was just staring so sweetly at me and "talking" to me.  She literally brought tears to my eyes.  I am so lucky to be her Mommy and I couldn't ask for a more perfect baby.  She definitely has personality and let's you know when something is not right in her world.  That's what makes her Punky!!!!  I wouldn't trade all the screaming in for anything in this world.  She is my angel sent to me from the heavens and I adore everything about her.

A very happy Mother's Day to all the Mamas out there.  Being a Mom is the most amazing gift in the world... no matter how trying it is at times.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Oh boy!

Well, let's just say it's been a busy couple of days.  Now that Delaney is fully on the move (when she allows me to put her down - more on that in the next paragraph) I have come to realize that my baby proofing skills need some sharpening.  I thought I did a really good job covering up all of those outlets, wrapping the lamp cords around the table legs, keeping things out of reach, etc.  Of course not!  What does she go right for?  All of the dangerous things, naturally.  The full length mirror that I have propped against the wall - will have to screw that in later, the plugs that have some slack, which in turn, leads to those items being pulled down, the computer chair that eventually rolls over her tiny little get the idea.  I can't wait for Dan to be done with his finals (next Wednesday) because I was given very strict orders NOT to screw the safety latches into our beautiful kitchen cabinets.  He knows me too well.  I do like to prove that I can do anything a man can do and sometimes even better!!!!!!  Better get crackin on ordering the other baby proofing essentials and gates.  I think I may need to take out a loan.  Have you seen the prices of these things lately?  However, I would rather have a foam guard around our brick fireplace than stitches in my princess' head.  I do think I will forego the toilet latches that Dan thinks we need. :-)

OK, as promised - for the past 6 weeks, Delaney has been great about being put down and actually has enjoyed her floor time discovering new things and learning to crawl.  As you know, the first 5 months of her precious little life, she refused to be put down.  I mean, I could put her down if I felt like listening to her howl.  And, boy can that girl go.  She won't stop until I pick her up again.  I thought maybe, just maybe, she would be able to cry herself to sleep.  Ha ha ha!!!  Well, since she had her viral infection, she is now back to being my velcro baby.  You would think this newfound method of getting around would be super exciting to her and she could just follow me around the house, but NOOOOOO!

For instance, today I decided to work in the garden while she was taking her morning nap.  Don't call Children & Youth on me, people.  All of the doors were locked, Brady (our dog) was in the house, and of course I had the monitor with me.    I came in to shower, and she must have smelled me because as soon as I got in the shower, she woke up screaming.  This is not the norm for her.  So, I quickly showered then ran in her room soaking wet to find out what it was.  Nothing!  Pure nothing!  She saw me and smiled.  Ok, so come in the bedroom with me, little girl so I can get dressed.  I put her down with her favorite ball that talks and sings to her, her ladybug, and her activity mat.  The howling began as if she is being bit by a pack of red ants.  Hmmmm.... what is a Mommy to do?  Everyone loves to give advice, so know in advance, I'm not looking for any.  I never listen to it anyway.  I do what my gut tells me to do and my gut always tells me to pick up my precious punkin to put out the fire!  Hey, it works and one day she won't want me to hold her.  And then it will be my turn to howl.

Just to make a liar out of myself, I am including a picture of her in her jumparoo where she is completely and utterly happy.  What you don't know is that it lasted for about 90 seconds. :)

The other pic is of her eating her first Lorna Doone shortbread cookie.  Boy, did she love that!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What a week!

I think the illness is finally behind us.  Whew!!  Yeah, yeah, yeah...I know it was ONLY a fever, ONLY an upper respiratory infection, ONLY a cough...blah! blah! blah!  But, guess what???  She's MY BABY and all of those ONLY"S do not help.  I was trying my hardest to put that Nanny hat back on while she was sick because every time I cared for a sick child (which was quite often) I never, ever, ever got hyped.  I've dealt with tongues almost being bitten off, broken arms, fevers of 104+, etc and always kept my cool.  Well, hello, when you are a Mom it is a completely different ball of wax.  I just wanted to make the fever go away and make her feel like herself again.

It gave me the opportunity to reflect on the times when my dear friend, Kelly, was sitting in the hospital with her precious daughter, Hannah.  Or when Tanya was watching her little girl go through chemo or when Shelly was watching her Liam fight for his life.  How did they do it day in and day out?  I will never have that answer.  When your child is hurting, you are hurting and the feeling is so helpless.  I am giving huge props to all of the mothers out there who are sitting by their child's bedside trying to do everything in their power to stay strong for their child.  While Delaney had this viral infection, another HLH family lost their precious boy, Matthew.  Not only that, but they lost their baby Andrew 8 months ago to this horrific disease.  It puts life into perspective for you.  Please take a moment and say a special prayer for the Akin family.

On a happier note....I am very proud to say that after 7 months of using sign language with Delaney, she has made her very first sign.  "MORE".  Can I just tell you that my eyes welled up with tears when she asked me to sing her the ABC song again?  Not crying because she loves Mommy's off tone singing, but the fact that she is communicating with me on a different level.  She was so very very proud of herself and just had a huge smile on her face.  She did it three times!!!  And, then, as I was folding her clothes yesterday, she is playing on the floor by my side and trying desperately to get a cheerio into her mouth, with great failure.  She looks down at her hands, makes the "more" sign and looks at me.  Of course, she has been doing it all day today, as well.  She gets it, too.  She knows what it means.  If she uses her sign, she gets more of what she wants.  You go, girl!  My smart little whipper snapper.

The picture had to be posted because I think she looks so very mischevious.  Makes me wonder what she is going to be like as a toddler.

Until she does something really cool again.....(which is ALL the time in my book)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Being sick is NO fun...

...for baby or for Mama! :*(

Well, baby girls fever has finally broke, however she is just NOT feeling well.  She is not her usual spunky self.  Very cranky and just plain uncomfortable.  What a helpless feeling.  She was up most of the night last night just crying and crying and crying.  She doesn't usually wake in the middle of the night and hardly EVER cries anymore.  Tell tale signs that there is in fact something that is ailing her.  Great day to just get in lots of sleep and Mama cuddles.

On another note, even with her not feeling well, she is scooting all over the place.  As Daddy calls it "lunge and scoot".  I had her in her play room this morning and next thing I know she's in the kitchen.  Having OCD comes in handy at times like these.  My floors will be even more clean than usual.  Oh how I love using my floor scrubber.  Stop laughing!!!!  It's very therapeutic to me.

Hopefully she is feeling better later tonight or Dan is sleeping with ear plugs in as he has his first final exam for the semester tomorrow morning.  Everyone wish him luck - although I know he doesn't need it.  My scholarly husband!

The pics attached are from Laney yesterday and today.  You wouldn't even know she's sick.