I've come to realize so many things about my little gal. Especially in the past few days, it seems like she is doing something new every minute. So, I've compiled a little list about you and your little spit-fire personality that I just adore.
* you don't like to sit still. You always want to go, go, go - in some form or another. I highly doubt that you will wait until the one year mark to start walking. If you had the courage right now, you would definitely be letting go of my hands. However, take your time little grasshopper. Mama wants to stop time the way it is. I am in no rush!!!!!
* you would so much rather be outside than inside. So, your Daddy just hung a swing from our oak tree in the front for you and I carry your jumparoo out to the lanai so you can jump up and down in it outside. I've even attached pretty colored ribbons to the fan on the lanai that you seem to be obsessed with. I would much rather be outside as well, so it works for me!
* you don't like being away from me. When you aren't with me, you aren't sad or angry, you are just indifferent. Don't worry, honey - when I'm not with you, I feel as though a piece of me is missing.
* you LOVE music and to be sung to. When Daddy plays the guitar for you, you melt and will even "sing" along with him.
* you are throttling full steam ahead with communicating. You are now able to do the signs for 'more', 'milk', and 'please'. Who knows what today will bring - maybe 'thank you'.
* nobody can put a smile on your face like your cousin Danny. I am beginning to think he might be right in saying that "Delaney loves Danny more than anyone in the whole world."
* when you smile (which is ALL the time), you smile with your whole body. You seriously light up a room. And, your laugh is extremely contagious.
* you now give High-5's which just rocks your Daddy's world.
* you love to play Pat-A-Cake and watch and listen to me sing any song that involves using my hands - the itsy bitsy spider, the abc song (in sign language), and twinkle twinkle little star.
* you are growing entirely too quickly for my liking. I calculated the other day that I will take your bottle away at 12 months, which means I only have 4.5 more months to hold you while you drink your bottle! :*( Plus, your Daddy lowered your crib last night and that was a HUGE big girl move. Talk about my heart being in my throat when I saw that!!!!!
* This one goes hand in hand with the above statement...I understand it is my job as your Mother to enhance your learning and stimulate your brain so that is what I do. Now that you are crawling, I know that I am supposed to be engaging your large motor development by helping you strengthen your legs. It's just that every time you "stand up" (with my help) it tugs at my heart strings a little bit. I also know I can't keep you a baby forever, but rest assured little one, you will forever and ever be MY baby!
So, my sweet little princess, in closing I would like to say that at 7.5 months of age, you are doing so much and watching you do these new things every day makes me one very proud Mama. When every single parent I have ever met told me that time goes by way too quickly, they were not joking! In the blink of an eye you have become this interactive, babbling little puddle of sweetness that I can't help but kiss and love on over and over and over again! My heart grows a little more each day. I love you as high as the sky and as deep as the ocean Punky!!!!!