I had a beach day planned for about 3 weeks now with Delaney, my sister Lori and Danny, and my Mom. Delaney always loves loves loves the beach so I figured this is a great way to celebrate this wonderful day. Well, Punky had different ideas. Pretty much as soon as we got there, she was just inconsolable. When she gets to a certain point, there is no calming her down. You must vacate the premises NOW!!!!! Well, me being the go-getter that I am, I decided to try and show her the water - waaaaah waaaaah waaaaaah! Ok, how about we go for a walk in the stroller? waaaaah waaaaah waaaaah! Ok, I will hold you (this always works) - but not today. She wanted to be in the air conditioning and NOT at the beach. For all of my Northerners reading this, it is the time of year down here when it is unbearably hot at times. The humidity is up there and if you aren't in the AC or in some body of water, you are sweating bullets. Today was one of those days - 70% humidity and Punky wasn't having it.

When I was giving her her afternoon bottle before I laid her down for her nap, she was just staring so sweetly at me and "talking" to me. She literally brought tears to my eyes. I am so lucky to be her Mommy and I couldn't ask for a more perfect baby. She definitely has personality and let's you know when something is not right in her world. That's what makes her Punky!!!! I wouldn't trade all the screaming in for anything in this world. She is my angel sent to me from the heavens and I adore everything about her.
A very happy Mother's Day to all the Mamas out there. Being a Mom is the most amazing gift in the world... no matter how trying it is at times.
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