It gave me the opportunity to reflect on the times when my dear friend, Kelly, was sitting in the hospital with her precious daughter, Hannah. Or when Tanya was watching her little girl go through chemo or when Shelly was watching her Liam fight for his life. How did they do it day in and day out? I will never have that answer. When your child is hurting, you are hurting and the feeling is so helpless. I am giving huge props to all of the mothers out there who are sitting by their child's bedside trying to do everything in their power to stay strong for their child. While Delaney had this viral infection, another HLH family lost their precious boy, Matthew. Not only that, but they lost their baby Andrew 8 months ago to this horrific disease. It puts life into perspective for you. Please take a moment and say a special prayer for the Akin family.
On a happier note....I am very proud to say that after 7 months of using sign language with Delaney, she has made her very first sign. "MORE". Can I just tell you that my eyes welled up with tears when she asked me to sing her the ABC song again? Not crying because she loves Mommy's off tone singing, but the fact that she is communicating with me on a different level. She was so very very proud of herself and just had a huge smile on her face. She did it three times!!! And, then, as I was folding her clothes yesterday, she is playing on the floor by my side and trying desperately to get a cheerio into her mouth, with great failure. She looks down at her hands, makes the "more" sign and looks at me. Of course, she has been doing it all day today, as well. She gets it, too. She knows what it means. If she uses her sign, she gets more of what she wants. You go, girl! My smart little whipper snapper.
The picture had to be posted because I think she looks so very mischevious. Makes me wonder what she is going to be like as a toddler.
Until she does something really cool again.....(which is ALL the time in my book)
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