Delaney is officially running, climbing, dancing, singing, flipping, and attempting to spin in circles. Usually this ends up with her head towards the ceiling and her falling over laughing.
Laughter - Punky laughs constantly! She is one the happiest and funniest little munchkins I've ever met.
She is spouting out new words daily. She is attempting to recite songs. She is recognizing letters. Basically, she is growing and developing at warp speed. So quickly in fact that I have zero time for these blog entries.

Our Christmas season was amazing! We spent our first Christmas in Florida and then went up to NJ to visit family. Delaney experienced her first snowstorm and let's just say she is her Mama's daughter. Does not like being bundled up and definitely doesn't like the snow.
The New Year is off to a great start. We have so many things to be thankful for. Dan is halfway through Law School and still remains at the top of his class.
I am hoping to create more blog entries. Hoping being the key word. Ta Ta for now.
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