Delaney celebrated her actual birthday on Thursday the 30th. My Mom made some homemade baked ziti with her special "Grammie Bo" sauce and we all chowed down on that in the evening. Delaney can't seem to ever get enough of the baked ziti. She really enjoyed her special mess cake that I made for her. She didn't quite know what to make of it at first but when Brady (our 87 lb dog) came over and licked her fingers clean, it was pretty clear she wasn't happy with that!
On Saturday we celebrated Delaney's BFF, Ella's 1st birthday. That was a blast and Delaney decided to WALK the entire time! Yes, WALK!! She has been taking steps for about 3 weeks now, but she just took off yesterday. And, then of course, all day today as well. When she wants to get somewhere quickly, she crawls. I am sure the crawling will be a thing of the past in just a week or so when she decides running is a much better alternative.
We had such a wonderful celebration today with our friends and family. Delaney actually stayed in her party dress right up until cake time. I think all of the other kiddos around took her mind off the fact that she was in a dress. My girl is SO NOT a girly-girl (thank goodness!). Anyone who is reading this knows having a girly-girl would have been my worst nightmare come true. I suppose she still has time but she is off to a great start.
So how do I feel about being a Mom to a one year old? Overwhelmed with so many emotions! So happy that she is growing into a little person and can do so many fun things. Sad that my baby seems to be officially gone. Surprised that literally overnight she is a toddler. It definitely tugs at my heartstrings, however, I am honestly so proud of Dan and myself on our first year of parenting. We see eye to eye on many things and our parenting style is so similar. HUGE plus!!!

Happiest of birthdays my little Punky! I love you higher than the sky and deeper than the ocean.
Thank you for allowing us to be a part of such an important year. We have enjoyed sharing all of this special child's wonders with you. May her life continue to give you joy, laughter, and love. And may you continue to treasure the life God has graciouly given you. Happy First Birthday to the Stader Family.
Love to all,
So happy to be a part of Delaney's celebration! She is absolutely adorable Ang, I know you already know that, but we feel so blessed to be a part of her life and watch her grow. :-)
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