Saturday, June 26, 2010

WOW!!!! She's big!!!

Really, people?????

So, yes - our Punky is a little Chunky.  I'm OK with that.  Aren't babies supposed to have rolls around their thighs...ok, and big fat bellies....ok, and arms that look as though they could take you down in an arm wrestling match?  Well, my beautiful, perfect, edible little daughter does and I love every single inch of her.

I am told by pediatricians - my father-in-law included that I need not worry.  When she starts walking, she will start slimming down.  I don't feed her too much, or at least I don't think I do.  She eats very healthy.  She just is weighing in at a whopping 23 lbs last time I checked.

This rant is about the general public and why in the world they have the need to say things out loud.  Us Mama Bears are very protective of our little cubs and we will stop at nothing to claw you with our paws as we throw daggers at you with our eyes.  So, beware people!!!!!

The other day, I took Punky to the mall for a couple of things and to just get out and get some relief from the Florida heat.  We walked into a store, and granted Punky doesn't have a ton of hair yet, but........ when the first comment out of the European sales lady's mouth was "How old is HE?" I wanted to bitch slap her!  I have a rule - I NEVER say anything that would include a child's gender unless they are appropriately marked as one or the other.  A pink hairbow or a shirt stating "cute boy", but even then you really can't tell.  Perhaps the Mom is having an identity crisis through her child and is dressing them as the opposite sex.  Anyway, back to the European - I stated "SHE is 8 months old" to which she replied "WOW!!!!!!  She's HUGE!!!!!"  I literally bit my tongue and turned around and walked out.  What I really wanted to scream was "Go back to your own country lady!"

No, I'm not racist in ANY form, even though this blog post makes me sound it.  I was just so irritated....and defensive.

It reminds me of when I was pregnant and every person, or so it seemed had an opinion of what I was having, how far along I was, etc, etc.  Which is why I went practically nowhere in my last month of pregnancy.  You could of rolled me down the street.  And if I happened to walk into a sharp object, I probably would have popped!

The moral of the story - don't pass your opinions.  Hush up peeps.  My beautiful baby girl is just that - beautiful in every single way.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I loved your blog. You are toooo funny.

Love you tooo much!