I have been trying to figure out why the 7 month old mark has me so upset?! I have come to the conclusion that a) it means she is MORE than half-way to her first birthday and b) a baby older than 6 months is that much less of a baby and that much more of a little gal doing little gal things. It breaks my heart when I think of it but then me being the glass half full type of person, I must remind myself that there are only more exciting and notable memories and milestones to come.
Delaney has changed so much in the past month. She now is army crawling all over the place. She hasn't quite grasped the concept of moving her legs followed by her arms while up on all fours, but girlfriend definitely gets from point A to point B. Very determined little munchkin she is!
The babbling is almost constant and she now "sings". When she gets really tired in the car, she can also be found humming herself to sleep. The entire way home from the doctor's office yesterday all she kept saying was "Mama, Mama, Mama, Mama". Melted me!!!!

As for the fever, we are doing much better today. Hopefully just a day of chilling out and some extra extra extra cuddles will be just what the doc ordered. Can I just tell you how terrifying it was to realize her fever was at a whopping 103.4 at one point yesterday!?! Temped bath brought it right down to 101.6. Woo Hoo!!!!!
Thanks for reading! :)
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