The time sure is flying by and every day it seems there is something new added to your daily doings. You are simply amazing! You are calling Brady by name but not me. What is wrong with this picture? I guess I can understand since he does lick you from head to toe and share his bone with you. You have even stepped up to using your sign for "Daddy" as well as calling him "Dada". "Mama" just slips out but you never use it when looking at me or anything. :( One day I know you will be saying "Mom, Mom, Mom, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy...." and I'm going to want to change my name, right?
Your new game is to see how long you can let go of whatever you are holding onto at that moment. You get really proud of yourself when you succeed with a big, huge smile on your face.
You also REALLY love throwing yourself backwards. I'm just thankful I have always been there to catch you as you have done this. Please don't do this, Punky when someone isn't there. Remember gravity is not forgiving and neither are the tile floors we have all over our house.
"Hi Baby" is your new phrase. "Hi baby" this, "Hi baby" that. Very cute. You are so into babbling that I can't help but just giggle. I really wonder what you are saying. You could go on and on for minutes on end. You talk to your animals, flip through books, and sometimes I believe you are even telling me off!
The sweetness that exudes from you amazes me. You are just such a happy and bright little spirit. You make everyone's day. But watch out when something makes you angry, or more likely frustrated. You literally tug at your shirt in what we call your "Incredible Hulk Moment". You make this ungodly noise, very deep throated, and act like you can rip apart your clothes.
Delaney, you are my angel sent from heaven and I love spending my time with you. When I am not with you, I want to be. I never want a break from you! You and I fit together like a puzzle and that's the way I like it. We have our own inside games that Daddy doesn't even know about. It's great being a Mommy. Don't get me wrong, there are times when pulling my hair out seems like a great option, but I don't think I would make such a hot bald chick so I just use the famous saying "This too shall pass".
On another note, things around the Strader household are VERY busy. Dan is clerking at a local law firm and also glued to the books on the weekends. We make the most of the time we get to hang with him since it is few and far between. We knew Law School was going to be a huge sacrifice so we are rolling with the punches.

Today I am very thankful for my family, my friends, especially my girlfriends, and my crazy life!